Cleansing Spray


This Spray is handcrafted and personally spelled for Cleansing your home and yourself. It comes in a blue 30ml glass spray bottle.

This spray can also be used in spells, rituals, on your body or around your home and space to cleanse it of any and all negative energies, entities or spirits etc. As you spray I highly recommend chanting or repeating something along the lines of "with this spray I cleanse this home", in order to make your intentions clear. If there's something in particular you would like to cleanse then mention that too.

My sprays are skin safe, though they lightly scented using (skin safe) essential oils alongside the herbs I use in the infusion process. Please do not use on cuts or scratches. If you have particularly sensitive skin perhaps perform a patch test before using more on your body. Do not allow pets to ingest.

Be sure to store in a cool, dry location, out of direct sunlight.

Disclaimer: Spell sprays are not to used in place of medical, legal, psychological or business advice.